Johnny Pesky’s # 6

It’s official.  I just snuck my way down to the press conference to see the momentous occasion for myself.

9-24 Happy Birthday Pesky.jpgJohnny Pesky’s #6 is going to be formally retired on Friday night prior to our game vs. the Yankees.

I’m interested to see what you all think of this move by the organization.  Of course, we all know that for many years there had been formal rules as to who could have their number retired (you had to have played for the Sox for a minimum of 10 years, retired as a member of the Boston Red Sox, and been enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame).

But for those of you who might think that an exception should not have been made for Pesky, consider this, he has been a member of the organization for 57 total years.  He hit over 200 hits in each of his first three seasons (which by the way, were interrupted by 3 years in WWII).

Brian Babineau/Boston Red Sox

Anyhow…I’m VERY interested to hear what you think, why you think it, and who (if anyone else) you think should have their number retired.  Boggs?  Rice?  Cy Young?  Pedro?  Tiant?

Can’t wait to read what you think!


  1. bethanyb

    he has a pole named after him, the least we could do is retire his number! i think this is a great move by the red sox organization and a great move for red sox nation! Congrats Mr. Pesky!


    Johnny Pesky is one of the greats of baseball. Not flashy or theatrical, just steady and strong. He brought stability and pride to this organization when it needed it most. Red Sox Nation owes a lot to Johnny Pesky as a player, manager, team symbol and American hero. Thanks, Johnny!


    I think it’s about time. Johnny Pesky certainly deserved it for his long and loyal service with the Red Sox. Too bad he’s not in Cooperstown.
    Next we’ll see Jim Rice’s #14.


    It’s very fitting that they changed the rules. One of my favorite Pesky moments was a couple of years ago, when he was at a Patriots game and they showed him on the screen. People started noticing it was him, and started cheering. all he did was point to his 2004 World Series ring and smile.


    I think it’s GREAT. Johnny is what Red Sox Nation is all about. I first met Johnny at Kendrick Field, Worcester, Ma. I received his autograph on one of the programs for the Worcester Police and the Worcester Firefighters benefit game in the early sixty’s. My mother thru it out tho! I have to say that is the only negitive thing I can say about that Girl. She was GREAT also! Jack T. 53 year old RED SOX FAN and always will be. Congrats to JOHNNY !

  6. lous

    My son has a framed picture of himself with Johnny, in front of City of Palms Part in Fort Myers before the first day of Spring training in 2007, hanging over his bed. He’s 14 and only knows of Johnny from seeing him at Fenway, hearing about him over the past 5 or 6 years, and from meeting him that day. I can’t imagine someone who more deserves to have his Red Sox number retired.


    Anyone that doesn’t think that Johnny Pesky doesn’t deserve to have his number retired, doesn’t deserve to be part of Red Sox nation! A friend of mine recently realized that the pole is actually named after Johnny – she thought it was just a pesky, bothersome pole… HA.
    Thank you Johnny for all the years of dedication and congratulations!

  8. soxinsider

    Bethany brings up a good question about Varitek. If he were to finish his career with the Red Sox, what recognition should the team bestow on him?

    Or what about Pedro, and Manny (who will probably be HOF’ers but not finish with the Sox)? Schilling??

    You can’t deny their contributions to 2 WS titles, and if you don’t think they are deserving of having their numbers retired, then what would you suggest? What other kinds of recognition could they receive?


    Red Sox Nation is fortunate to have such a rich baseball heritage and history, and historic and beautiful Fenway Park to enjoy it in. But even more fortunately, we have a very important part of that history and heritage here with us every day quietly adding to the tradition and inspiring our young, as well as, veteran players.

    I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more. Johnny Pesky epitomizes all that is Red Sox. Congratulations Johnny and thank you for everything!!!!!!!

  10. mark3905

    At the risk of madaketmeg thinking I should be expelled from the Red Sox Nation (whatever happened to a person’s right to independent opinions?) I guess I am going to be the only one here who disagrees. While I tremendously respect him and all he has done for the organization, my opinion is that if you are going to have rules, you follow them. I agree with the usual Red Sox criteria regarding retired uniform numbers, and don’t think they should be changed for anyone. Once you make one exception, it just opens up the door to people wanting all kinds of other exceptions. I think that they should A) Follow their own guidelines, or B) Dump the guidelines.

  11. bethanyb

    Thank you Insider…In any event, I think Varitek’s number should be retired at Fenway after he finishes his career, regardless of finishing it with the Sox or not. He has had an off year, struggled quite a bit, but he is our Captain. It only seems fitting. Manny and Pedro … eh. I really enjoyed both of them as players once upon a time, but I don’t think they had the whole package. Pesky had the whole package…


    There was a great picture of Yogi Berra in the
    Globe as Yankee Stadium closed last week with his number 8 on his back looking out at the stadium. Johnny Pesky is our Yogi …dedicated for all these years in every possible way. I am so happy he is getting this great award while he is still alive . We all (everyone I know) have been WAITING for it to happen. CONGRATS, JOHNNY .WE LOVE YOU.

  13. drtypirate

    I would like to congratulate Mr. Pesky on the recent decision to retire his number, #6. It is a great day for all of Red Sox Nation! I personally have not seen a Red Sox number retired, and I have been saying for years now that if i were to see a number retired at Fenway, I would want to see his.
    He may not have had the bat of Teddy Ballgame or Carl “Yaz”
    Yastrzemski, but his hard work and dedication to the Red Sox organization for the past 57 years has been unprecedented.

    Johnny, if you read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of all Red Sox fans.

    That being said, why haven’t we retired Cy Young yet?! Any ideas on that one?!

  14. soxinsider

    You guys are full of great questions this week. To answer drtypirate’s question…Cy Young never had a uniform number here. Nor did the Babe for that matter.

    But you bring up a good point…Would you put “Young” or “Ruth” up there?? What say you, Red Sox Nation?

  15. rsoxwrld

    Congratulations to Mr. Pesky. He deserves this just as much as anyone else. He has always been there for the Redsox and the redsox organization, and it will be really nice to see a new number hanging there. This is a real honor for Mr. Pesky and I hope he enjoys it just as much as I and the rest of Redsox nation will. Once again Congratulation! and I hope we will see many more numbers being retired at fenway, Gillette stadium, and the Garden in the near future. From one Redsox fan to another, God bless you Johnny Pesky and God bless The Boston Redsox.

  16. redsoxkid

    I am SO HAPPY they are retiring Pesky’s #. I know him and some of his relatives. They are all awesome & he deserves to be called “Mr. Red Sox.” Too bad his wife Ruth didn’t live to see this. Congrats Johnny! And I’ll be at the game Sunday to see his # retired. I am so excited.
    Now when are we going to retire Tony C’s #25
    Red Sox Kid Nation Captain

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